Garden Therapy


Nature has the ability to heal. It can nourish the soul, provide relaxation and is also just beautiful to look at. Whether you prefer hiking in the woods, backcountry camping and sleeping under the stars or even just a bouquet of fresh flowers on your kitchen table. There is something for everyone in its beauty.
After being diagnosed with post-partum depression, I needed an outlet. This past year has been challenging for everyone and social distancing has really taken a toll on a number of people mentally and physically, myself included. The one thing I always look forward to, that brings me a sense of calm, is gardening. And I’m not talking becoming a flower farmer or anything, but just growing something….anything. A vegetable or herb garden, easy to love perennial flowers like peonies, or even more simply, a potted plant.

I love waking up early each morning and going for a walk around my garden. Sometimes I cut fresh flowers to bring inside and sometimes I literally just stop and smell the roses. This time of solitude and meditation is the prefect start to my day.

Three simple things to grow as garden therapy:

  1. A mini herb garden: buy 3 of your favourite herbs from a local garden center and plant them in pots. You can leave them on a deck, balcony or in a sunny window. Take fresh cuttings for jazzing up meals and seasonal drinks!

  2. Plant a succulent garden. This is a great option for the winter months. Succulents are easy to care for and only require watering once a week. I love having a small potted plant on my desk.

  3. Direct seed flowers in a garden. Whether you have your own garden, a community plot or a small balcony, there are many easy to grow flowers you can seed directly into your garden at the start of the warmer spring months. Cosmos and Zinnias are two of my favourite and they both require at least 6 hours of sun.

Personally, our garden has become a large focus of our lives and we mark milestones by planting something in the garden. Last year, my husband bought me a Strawberry Sundae Hydrangea for our wedding anniversary and I can see it when I look out our front window. This year, we added some native evergreen trees!

I hope you find some joy in nature.

Your flower loving friend,

Photos by C & E collective


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